Enhanced Health in Care Homes 





  • PCN GP Clinical Lead for each care home – Please refer to your GP Practice for the named GP details.
  • PCNEHCH & Care Coordinator Lead – Tanya Titman
  • EHCH Advance Clinical Practitioner – Lucy Bufton

Role of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) team in the Purbeck PCN:

The aims of the EHCH team is to work collaboratively with the aligned care home GPs and various multidisciplinary teams (MDT) in order to provide person centred, holistic and proactive healthcare and support to care home residents, their carers and care home staff (residential and nursing homes).

We aim to improve communication channels between health and social care providers and the care homes, have regular MDT meetings and as this team evolves we hope to be able to provide a single point of contact service for care home staff and MDT members in order to streamline and provide efficient and timely intervention for care home residents, with this being offered equally across all Purbeck care homes.

The team will work together with the wider MDT and the care homes to develop personalised care plans and ensure pertinent information is shared with the relevant parties.